Delights Day 22: Loungey friends

I'm an extrovert. I've slid towards introvert territory as I've gotten older and starting leaning into evenings without anyone but me and my husband and a game of Codenames. (OK, so a global pandemic has muddied this a bit, but regardless of opportunity, I do enjoy these moments more than I would have at 20.)... Continue Reading →

Delights Day 21: A room full of books

I love reading. It's sometimes strange to me to remember that not everybody enjoys reading. I think it's how people feel when they hear someone doesn't like TV or movies – how could you not like something that is a source of entertainment, information, and art? But, of course, I understand someone wanting to avoid getting... Continue Reading →

Delights Day 20: Glimpses of lives

Tonight I caught up with two friends who I see every month or so. When I see them, their lives have always changed substantially: new boyfriends, jobs, family dramas, and it's like turning the channel and dropping back into the world of a show I know, but a season later. I enjoy talking to new... Continue Reading →

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